Thursday, May 28, 2009


I asked Dave to go ahead and start dinner while I was at my Zumba class tonight. He made dinner last week while I was at my class so I thought I'd go along with that and start a trend. He is way more creative than I am in the kitchen so I knew he would come up with something good. My assumption was correct! He concocted something with pork chops, bacon, apples, and some sort of creamy sauce. Boy was it good!! Not good for my pooch though....I think I ate more calories than I burned in my class so it looks like I'll be heading back to Zumba tomorrow.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus 8

That Memorial Day episode was so SAD. It was truly the first time I saw Jon and Kate in a new light. Kate was emotional and Jon was just life-less. You can read blog after blog about Kate and what a terrible mother she is. How she does the show for fame and fortune but I don't see that. I see a mom doing what she has to do to care for 8 kids. If I had 8 kids and someone wanted to do a show about me - I'd do it. If companies wanted to use my show to market their product - I'd do that too. If I could go on paid for vacations - I would go in a heart beat! Why?? Because this family would never have been able to afford it without this show. It's a trade off. The kids are not suffering. They are experiencing wonderful new things everyday and get to have BOTH parents home with them everyday.
I think the family dynamic is great. Come on, you've got 6 adorable kids with fantastic little personalities that make you smile and laugh week after week. You have a couple who argues A-LOT, but at the same time you see them working as a team to get through each and every single day. They are not perfect.
I have 3 kids and I can tell you it's very hard. You don't get a lot of down time and if/when you do, you make the most of it. You also have to make the most of any opportunity presented to you. Within reason. Maybe TLC went a little overboard? Maybe it was too much too fast for this family? Whatever it was, everyone needs to take a step back, take a breath, and try to figure out what went wrong. What do we want? How can we fix this? The kids deserve for their parents to be happy and be together.
Wasn't it less than a year ago that they renewed their vows in front of their children and on national tv? Kate said it was to show their children how much they loved each other and that they would always be a family. Jon said he was a little emotional and almost cried. What happened??
It's our life, and we're in it together. Right??
I would love to see this couple come back from near divorce happier than ever. Prove the statistics wrong. If it means no more t.v. show then I'm all for it. Your family is the most important thing.
I'm going to go hug and kiss mine now - XOXO

Whoever invented albuterol is an idiot.

Seriously. Why make a drug that causes jitters and makes you nauseous? It's a vicious cycle. Big cough, wheeze, breathing treatment, slight cough, nausea, puke. If we could go - big cough, wheeze, breathing treatment, no cough/wheeze then we'd be in great shape! Don't get me wrong, albuterol has helped my child a million times. I am forever grateful for it's life saving capabilities (believe me, it works), but there has to be something better. Something that doesn't make you feel so bad afterward. Maybe one of you bright chemists out there can come up with something???

Until then, we'll be here. Waiting. Patiently.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kee-kers is sick. Again.

This would be the 3rd or 4th time in her short little life that she's had a cold. Taylor didn't get anything till he was over a year old and with Evan, he was 5 months. Leah got a stomach virus that was vicious at about 2 months old. It was really bad. Lots of vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever for almost an entire week. Since then it's been cold after cold. I feel bad for the little booger. She's a real trooper though. We took her to the Aquarium today and she was an angel. As usual and as long as mommy was close by. Minus the snot and coughing, no one would have known she was sick!
Gah, how I love her!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Separation Anxiety

At what point does this happen?? Seems like over night my sweet, happy, care-free baby who would go to anyone suddenly doesn't want to be away from me. I dropped her off at the Y nursery and she was fine. An hour later - she is NOT FINE. She had been crying hard. Her face said it all. "I am not happy you left me here, mommy!!" Kiki NEVER cries. Seriously, it's got to be a bad day for this girl to shed a tear. I asked them how long she had been this way and they said she was fine till they tried to feed her. I don't know....her face had purple splotches everywhere. She looked bad....and I was sad that my Kiki Belle was upset.
I think mommy needs to make some other arrangements until she outgrows this phase. Not because she can't take it - I can't take it :(